
Tags archives: age


How would it be if we are ageless! We are limiting ourselves by being ruled by this number called age. We categorize ourselves as young, middle aged and old. There comes a point in life where we worry about midlife crisis. What is midlife crisis? Who decides your midlife? Some people die at the age of ten and some at the age of hundred, what is the midlife for them? […]

Secret to living up to 100 years of age!

Who doesn’t want to live a long and healthy life? This is one desire that almost everyone has but don’t exactly express it too often. Why, you may ask? Because life, as they say, is unpredictable. However, the secret to finding out about your longevity is finally out! A new research has revealed that gene variants linked to cell senescence or biological ageing, autoimmunity, and Alzheimer’s disease play an important […]