
Tags archives: boys


Don't Tell Your Son That "Boys Don't Cry," Tell Him This Instead

Ladke nahi rote hain!” All too often, parents trot this hoary old chestnut, throwing the words “Are you a girl?” or “Don’t behave like a girl” and “Boys don’t cry!” at every sobbing male baby, child or young adult. Only the ‘weaker sex’ can cry, not boys and definitely not men, implies this desi admonition used by parents, grandparents, siblings and teachers to tell boys they are meant to be […]

Viewing pornography ‘really frequently,’ sexting are commonplace among teenaged boys in Canada

A survey of thousands of young Canadian students across the country found a “concerning pattern” of teenaged boys seeking out pornography regularly, according to the non-profit organization MediaSmarts, while accounts of “sexting” were also commonplace. The Ottawa-based digital literacy outfit, which was launched as a CRTC initiative in the 1990s, worked with schools and parents in each province and territory to conduct a wide-ranging survey with 5,436 students in Grades 4 […]