
Tags archives: burns

Man Invites Daughter’s Rapist Over For Dinner Then Burns His Genitals

Here’s a grisly one for you: A 36-year-old Indian man confessed to murdering his daughter’s rapist. The father invited the 45-year-old to his home in Delhi’s Khajuri Khas area. There, the father served the alleged rapist dinner. He then tied him to a chair, scorched his genitals with hot tongs and strangled him to death. Apparently, the father had been planning the torture and murder for two months, ever since […]

3 Reasons for John Kerry to Be in India While the Rest of the World Burns

It’s a tough time to be the top diplomat representing the world’s sole superpower. Israelis and Palestinians are at war. Iraq and Syria are convulsed by civil strife. Libya’s security situation is rapidly deteriorating. Tensions between Russia and Ukraine threaten to explode. Afghanistan is enmeshed in an election crisis. A nuclear agreement with Iran remains elusive. And at this crucial juncture, Secretary of State John Kerry has jetted off to […]