
Tags archives: change-your-life

25 Quotes From Buddha That Will Change Your Life!

Words are a powerful thing. The lessons from Buddha can inspire you to understand and tackle all of life’s problems. If you are feeling stressed, low in life, or maybe lost, these quotes from Buddha can help you. It can also help those trying to overcome anger problems or just looking to connect with their spirituality. Gautama Buddha is the enlightened being known as the founder of Buddhism. He has […]


Simple 5 Minute Morning Workout That Will Change Your Life! (VIDEO)

Its difficult to set aside time for morning exercise, especially when we have a very busy complete work and family schedule. How do your mornings look like? Shower? Coffee? Breakfast? Then rush to work? Slow down, for just 5 minutes and take the time for this exercise. This will completely change your life. The exercise is called the Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar. Its a morning yoga routine that takes […]

15 Things To Start Doing For Yourself

 We can begin doing right now that will make our lives more joyous and peace filled. Start Spending Time With The “Right” People – Spend time with people you enjoy -who bring you up instead of push you down. Sure there are always lessons we can learn from others but you don’t need to continue hanging around with and associating with people who you know bring in an offsetting vibe. Learn […]