
Tags archives: cloves

Cloves For Acidity: This Simple Remedy Will Keep Tummy Troubles At Bay

There are times when you’ve had tea on an empty stomach or had a hearty meal and felt a burn in your tummy, which further results in heartburn and acid reflux – we all have faced the problem at some point. Eating spicy foods, irregular eating habits, stress, lesser physical activity and drinking alcohol may cause acidity. It happens when stomach acid or bile flows in your food pipe and […]

Unlocking the Benefits of Cloves

One of my favourite winter spices, cloves are often pushed to the edge of your plate. They are mostly used to flavour dishes but seldomly eaten whole. But if you’d know about their impressive qualities, you’d agree they deserve more attention. Looking back, cloves were probably first used by Chinese emperors to hide bad breath. Over the years, cloves grabbed a prominent place in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda to […]