
Tags archives: cure

Pomegranate peel may cure deadly brain disorders

London: Do not throw that pomegranate peel in the garbage bin. In the near future, it may be a source of drugs for two incurable diseases that affect the elderly. Two years of research by a Nigerian scientist has shown that sufferers of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease could be helped by punicalagin, a compound extracted from pomegranates. Olumayokun Olajide from the University of Huddersfield in West Yorkshire showed how punicalagin […]

Virus can help treat prostate cancer

Scientists including one of Indian-origin have discovered that a modified Newcastle disease virus can kill all kinds of prostate cancer cells without harming normal body cells. The modified virus is now ready to be tested in preclinical animal models, and possibly in phase I human clinical trials, scientists said. “A treatment for prostate cancer based on this virus would avoid the adverse side effects typically associated with hormonal treatment for […]