
Tags archives: diet

6 Hormones You Need To Reset To Lose Fat Faster

Reset Your Belly Fat Hormones Naturally Lower Insulin Resistance To Use Up Glucose Lower Cortisol Levels To Stop Stress Eating Balance Estrogen Levels To Not Store Fat Control Leptin To Stop Overeating Get Enough Testosterone To Burn Fats Better Make The Thyroid Active To Improve Metabolism If you’re gaining fat despite all measures, check whether your body has low levels of thyroid hormones. This can slow down your overall metabolism. […]


78 Year Old Vegan Bodybuilder Might Make You Reconsider Your Diet

  Jim Morris was a competitive bodybuilder for 30 years, and became vegan within the past twelve. At 50 he was a vegetarian, and at 65 he was a vegan. Our understanding of human health continues to evolve and change over time, just like anything else. As science continues to shed light on the health benefits associated with eating less meat and more ‘earthly’ foods like organic fruits and vegetables, […]

Simple Diet for Colon Cancer

One of the major causes for colon cancer is the food we eat. Certain substances found in food are carcinogenic. Heterocyclic amines are one such compound found in meat, chicken and fish when they are cooked at high temperatures using methods like barbequing, frying or grilling. Another carcinogen called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon are formed when food is cooked over open flame or smoked. Avoiding or minimizing the exposure to carcinogenic […]