
Tags archives: exams

Exam Blues

Those were the days when school and college were fun. In today’s time educational institutions impart more stress than knowledge as there is a continuous requirement to perform . The complete educational system functions more on information than on overall growth of an individual . Finally everybody is at an admission war into engineering or medical. The scenario does not seem to change in the near future but the students […]

10 out of 10 for ingenuity at least: The incredible lengths Chinese students will go to cheat at high-pressure exams that will decide their whole lives

Chinese authorities have exposed some of the 007-style gadgets that students have been caught using to try and cheat their way through tough university entrance exams. Security staff in Jinlin, Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces have revealed students are using sophisticated radio vests in order to receive help from someone outside the hall. Pupils take pictures of the tests using a button-hole camera hidden in a pen or watch, then use […]