
Tags archives: feedback

Dear entrepreneur, are you ready for self appraisal?

An entrepreneur has to constantly evaluate, learn and adapt in order to survive and sustain in the business. Since you’re your own boss, here are some tips that will help you self-evaluate your performance. It’s that time of the year when the water cooler moments are buzzing with talks concerning the annual employee ratings and who has emerged the boss’s favourite. This is the month of employee appraisals and boy […]

Feedback Is Valuable

Information, comments or views about us through others’ eyes is ‘environmental feedback’. Our quality of life depends on how we take the feedback about ourselves from others.If we know how to handle this properly,then it will help to keep us on track on our life plan. It also helps us become wiser and saves us from various psychosomatic illnesses. On the surface, environmental feedback can be either pleasant or unpleasant […]