
Tags archives: fertility

Drinking too much coffee can radically reduce a man’s ability to father children, a study has found.

Men who drank two or more cups of strong coffee a day had just a one in five chance of becoming fathers through IVF. However, for those who drank less than a cup, the chance of having a child rose to nearly 52%. The researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, told a conference in Hawaii that caffeine may harm sperm at a molecular level. A shot of espresso contains around […]

Almonds boost male fertility: Eating seven nuts a day could improve a man's sperm count and quality

Eating seven nuts a day could improve a man’s sperm count and quality, say  Italian doctors. They are testing the theory in a trial of 100 men being treated for infertility at a hospital in Turin. One group will add seven nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds or peanuts) to their normal diet; another group will reduce their intake of saturated fat by cutting down on processed meat and dairy products, and […]

Warning over 175 dangerous chemicals found in food packaging: Substances are linked to cancer, fertility and birth defects

Food Packaging Forum discovered 175 dangerous chemicals in packaging Toxic substances linked to cancer, sperm production, genital malformations as well as disrupting hormone production in the body Warned chemicals could end up in the food the packaging contains Experts call for tighter regulation of food packaging to ban substances Chemicals found in foil, cans and some containers and wrappers But Food Standards Agency said all food packaging falls within EU […]

How Walnuts Can Boost Fertility and 17 Other Healthy Reasons

Walnut is an edible kernel of the fruit from trees belonging to Juglandaceae family, in the genus: Juglan. Apart from walnuts, this tree nut family includes Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts (filberts), macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, and pistachios. Black and white walnuts are native to North America, specifically the Central Mississippi Valley and Appalachian area. They played an important role in the diets and lifestyles of both the Native American […]

Mobile phone risk to fertility of men who keep devices in their trouser pocket: Radiation can affect quality of sperm

Scientists at the University of Exeter found that electromagnetic radiation lowered movement of sperm by 8 per cent Team led conducted review of findings from 10 studies involving 1,492 men Fertility expert pooh-poohs study and intends to keep his iPhone in his pocket Mobile phones may have a significant impact on a man’s fertility, scientists think. Men who keep a phone in their trouser pocket could be exposing themselves to […]