
Tags archives: garden


5 New Solutions For Growing Healthy Produce Indoors

  An increasing number of people are moving into urban environments and away from traditional agriculture. As a consequence, those who have a mind for self-sufficiency can find themselves falling short. Storable foods are of course an important part of every emergency prepper’s pantry, but storable foods are not a sound long-term solution that contain optimal nutrition. Even produce from farmers markets and store-bought organic food will lose peak freshness […]

Garden as green lab

K. Manoj quit his IT job in 2013 to start ‘Green Rich Grow Labs,’ a consultant organisation helping people grow their own organic vegetables and fruits using garden waster and kitchen compost. He says the practice can reduce garbage at home and land-fills. “We provide a green rich bio-bin, microbe base (Composorb), and microbes for composting. Composting is an easy process. People can grow their own organic vegetable and fruit […]