
Tags archives: habits


I got asked the other day at one of my events whether I had any specific set of habits I followed to become successful. If you’ve wondered the same, the answer is – I do. I have a set of routines and habits that I follow to make sure I make the most of my days… What we choose to focus on determines in large part the meaning of our […]

7 Habits That Might Be Hurting Your Self-Worth

We all have our moments when we feel extremely low. But if you feel like this all the time, then may be its time for change. You need to take charge of your life and emotions if you feel bad about your life often and make efforts to change it. Taking the time to develop healthy behaviours and productive ways of thinking can have a big impact on our self-image. […]

6 Habits That Do More Harm Than Good

The rules of staying fit seem very easy to follow. Eating well, working out, getting enough sleep and you will be the healthiest person, right? Surprisingly, it is more complicated than that. Often the very choices you make to benefit your health can be the same ones that hurt you in the end. Read the article and find out which unexpected habits can be causing you harm. Using of hand […]

How habits are formed and changed revealed

Washington: A new study has revealed how we form habits and change existing ones and that they emerge through associative learning. According to the study, about 40 percent of people’s daily activities are performed each day in almost the same situations, as habit is automatic and we don’t always recognize habits in our own behavior. Wendy Wood said that we find patterns of behavior that allow us to reach goals. […]