
Tags archives: home-remedies

Simple Home Remedies For Indigestion

Changes in diet and the ‘way of life’ are essential to cure indigestion. Flat out fasting or even sticking to boiled vegetables, fresh fruits and juices is beneficial. Cumin, coriander, turmeric, fresh ginger, black pepper, are a must in your foods. Lemon juice in warm water and buttermilk help digestion. Soda water relieves acidity. Adequate sleep, moderate exercise and a stress-free lifestyle are necessary. According to ayurveda, a toxic material […]

Home Remedies For Bruises

The moment you hear the word bruise, you either think about domestic violence or a fight. However, you should know that it is not always because you had a fight and someone punched your face and turned it black and blue, as the traditional description goes. What Causes Bruises? Anyhow, there are several things that can cause bruises on your skin but all bruises are basically caused due to the […]

40 Home Remedies for Reducing High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a greasy substance present in the blood that is required for building healthy cells and maintaining cell membranes. It is basically produced by the human body but can also be taken from food. It also helps convert the sunlight into vitamin D. However, having high cholesterol can increase the risk of heart diseases. Hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol increases the risk of coronary heart disease that causes heart attacks. […]


Simple Home Remedies To Relieve Acid Reflux Naturally

The Digestion Process: Ingested food passes down the oesophagus (food pipe) into the stomach. Stomach cells produce mucus which protects the stomach lining from damage from digestive acids and chemicals, produced by the stomach itself. The oesophagus cell linings are more delicate and have little protection from acid. A sphincter (a ring of muscule that contracts to close an opening) called lower esophageal sphincter (LES), is present at the junction […]

Amazing Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat

Every other person on this planet wants to lose belly fat! Yes it is this great an issue. Belly fat not only gives you an ugly look but can be dangerous for your health too. The visceral fat or the fat around your abdomen can lead to diabetes, heart diseases, stroke as well as dementia. When it comes to lose abdominal fat, the right foods are a necessity. They detox […]