
Tags archives: indian-children

'Indian children are served a daily diet of PORN by school bus workers': Legal association claims children are being abused and tells government to ban internet on buses

It is claimed by SWLA that bus drivers, conductors and cleaners often take advantage of innocent children The SWLA say that what starts with porn on their mobiles can escalate to ‘molestation and sodomisation of the child’ The SCWLA has said no such site should have free access and those desperate to watch porn should be made to pay a hefty price. The Indian government may soon advise its schools […]

Beta chahiye: The appalling reason why Indian children are among shortest in the world

Get this: Even though India’s per capita GDP is higher than at least a 100 other countries, it has the fifth highest stunting rate in the world and children born in India are, on average, shorter than those born in Sub-Saharan Africa, even though the latter are far poorer. In fact, the stunting is most evident with Indian girls, especially those who are younger. And the reason is shocking: it’s […]