
Tags archives: live-longer

Did you know? A cup of coffee a day may help you live longer

Coffee lovers, rejoice! Drinking a cup of coffee daily may help you live longer than those who don’t, a new study has claimed. Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine in the US have unearthed a connection between advancing age, systemic inflammation, cardiovascular disease and coffee consumption. They found that a chronic inflammatory process that occurs in some older people may trigger cardiovascular problems and increased rates of mortality […]

Five scientifically-proven ways to live longer!

It’s a fact that the choices we make in our lives can have a huge impact on how long and how well we love. Studies found that bad behaviors such as – smoking, excessive drinking, not exercising and not eating enough fruits and vegetables can age you faster and jostle you into an early grave. Making few changes in your lifestyle can help you live longer and healthier. Here are […]

Exercise regularly to keep your heart healthy, live longer

Want to improve your heart health, and perhaps even live longer? Then exercise, for a new study suggests that regular physical activity can help reduce a person’s risk of death from cardiovascular disease. While even children can exercise with the help of mini trampoline for kids, why not the adults? Choose the right type of exercise and start living healthy.  The study revealed that even small amount of physical activities, including […]