
Tags archives: medical

Difficulties of being a doctor in India

                                              The phone rings at 2am at night. Dr. Honest rushes to the ER. He wants to save his patient more than anything. This is the moment for which he joined the medical profession . But life is not a bed of roses for such a Dr. Honest anymore. Dr. Dishonest only aims to earn quick money by advising obviously un-indicated tests, giving treatment which may not do good for […]

8 Amazing Spices and Their Medicinal Benefits

They say that an apple a day helps keep the doctor away, but in reality, herbs and spices contain more powerful disease fighting properties, vitamins, and nutrients than most fruits and vegetables. By simply spicing up your dishes, you could be adding years to your life, and warding off illnesses like the cancer, high blood pressure, and even the common cold. Moreover, spices taste great and they may prevent you […]