
Tags archives: monal

Monal of Sushness : Day 18,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

         #MonalofSushness : Day 18. Monal of twenty three was a graduate and had already changed jobs twice. Some of her best moments came when her little sister visited her from a city not too far where she was studying to be a graduate. One Sunday afternoon became special, a shared special to both. They watched on a video player one movie fourteen times, repeating only parts […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 17,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

         #MonalofSushness : Day 17. By the time Monal turned thirty three she was herself a Mamma to two babies. She was already married for close to a decade. Monal now lived in a city of extreme hot weather. Lucky for that, because one night when her heart already broken into pieces further broke from being alone, she stood in the small balcony of the living room […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 16,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

           #MonalofSushness : Day 16. Monal of age five had to travel by a bus that seemed very big to her, to school. In her planned small town, no child was supposed to have to do this. But due to temporary lack in space in a near-by school Monal and some of her friends who lived close by, faced this predicament. Travelling by a big school […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 14,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

#MonalofSushness : Day 14. Monal had remembrance of the smell of incense sticks from a time when she was very little. Perhaps three. She remembered artificial fragrance of rose from before her little sister was born. Monal’s Babi, her father loved them and he would light them regularly to express faith and also sometimes just for pleasure. Monal too grew a soft spot for these hand rolled sticks of beautiful […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 13,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

#MonalofSushness : Day 13. It was towards the fag end of the Summer Vacation when Monal was nearly thirteen. It was a Sundayafternoon. The lunch menu for the day off almost always featured Mutton Curry. Monal could not think of any other food item dearer then. This Sunday was no different either. Babi, Monal’s father being home, for “together meals” on Sundays, made the day extra special for all at […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 12,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

#MonalofSushness : Day 12. Monal of four loved to hear stories. Her Babi, father, told her stories of valour and loyalty and honesty from World History and Roman, Greek and Indian Mythology, Her Mamma recounted stories from her own childhood. Some of these real life stories amused Monal to bits and she wanted to hear them again and again. There was one that she did not even wish to think […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 10,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

#MonalofSushness : Day 10. Monal at age thirty seven fell head over heels in love with her husband’s friend. The families had already known each other for more than five years. Perhaps there is a cupid who choses to act up when he choses to act up. Monal’s feelings were stoked by his acute interest in her. It became evident to them both and none else, or so they thought, […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 7,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

  (Artwork by Ashwin Pandya) Monal at fifty often turned to her beautiful childhood for solace. Outwardly no other person seemed happier, luckier or more happening than Monal. She had mastered the art of smiling. It was not even a fake one. Only, she had stopped visiting the crevices of her heart that hurt. That too seemed like a mastery. Then one day she felt feelings that externally angered her but […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 6,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

                                                                                                    (Artwork by Ashwin Pandya) Monal of nine years wore a baby sari in the month of February . It was gifted […]

Monal of Sushness : Day 5,Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta

   (Artwork by Ashwin Pandya) It was the December after Monal turned six. There was excitement. There was war. The newspaper “Amrita Bazar Patrika” was eagerly awaited everyday. Monal of six in her little mind understood that there was trouble over her mother tongue Bangla. During the cold winter nights, sharp at 8 pm a siren was sounded. She learnt a new word and heard what it felt like too. All […]