
Tags archives: peanuts

Eat peanuts with your meals to prevent heart attack risk

Eating peanuts with a meal may help protect against cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and stroke, an international team of researchers has found. After a meal, there is a spike in blood lipids, and triglycerides — a type of fat found in the bloodstream — which stiffen arteries and lead to cardiovascular disease. The findings showed that healthy men who ate about three ounces of peanuts with a high-fat […]

Want to lose weight? Simply eat peanuts

It you want to lose weight or want to have a better overall health, researchers recommend snacking on peanuts or peanut butter three to four times a week which will surely help you with your weight issues. As peanuts and peanut butter are packed with fiber and protein, they keep you satisfied and full for a long time,which helps in managing your hunger. According to a new study, teenagers at […]

Eat few peanuts every day to slash early death risk from cancer

  Melbourne: A new study has suggested that peanuts can protect against early death from cancer and heart disease. The Maastricht University study found that men and women who eat at least 10g of nuts or peanuts and not peanut butter per day have a lower risk of dying from several major causes of death than people who do not consume them, News.com.au reported. Researchers in the Netherlands said peanuts […]

Munching Peanuts can Boost Your Fertility & Brain Power. 20 Other Health Facts.

  The peanut, or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), is a species in the legume or “bean” family (Fabaceae). The peanut is native to South America, Mexico and Central America. Peanuts are also referred to as earthnuts, ground nuts, goober peas, monkey nuts, pygmy nuts and pig nuts. Peanuts are not the same as tree nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.), which grow on trees but grow underground and are part of the […]