
Tags archives: puberty

Indian kids hitting early puberty

 Girls and boys are hitting puberty much earlier than before, according to a study more than 80 per cent of urban Indian girls hit puberty at the age of 11. And now experts say this comes with a risk of behavioral issues. And its not just girls, boys too are maturing faster than before. A victim of early puberty Kanika, (name changed) says,”I had menarche when I was in class […]

Precocious puberty

Mehak Agarwal, now 13, was banned from having milk when she was 8. Her friends found it strange, their parents found it bewildering. “When other parents were purging soft drinks from their homes, I was getting rid of milk and plastics,” says her mum, dermatologist Shehla Agarwal.   What made milk taboo in the Agarwal home were the hormones lacing it, among them oxytocin given to cows and buffaloes to make […]