
Tags archives: ramzan

Why are Indian Muslims using the Arabic word ‘Ramadan’ instead of the traditional 'Ramzan'?

It’s that time of the year again. As the annual month of dawn-to-dusk fasting begins, people everywhere are girding their social media loins to fight the inevitable lexical war that’s about to break out: Ramzan or Ramadan? This contentious battle is being fought over the name of the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, which is also when Muslims fast to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Prophet […]

Muslim students 'made to eat' at Ramadan

Several university students from China’s western region of Xinjiang have told the BBC that they are being banned from fasting during the month of Ramadan.The three Muslim students we spoke to the BBC did not want their identities revealed as they fear government reprisals for speaking about a sensitive issue. But they told us they were being forced to have meals with professors to ensure they were not fasting.Those who […]