
Tags archives: red-meat

Fish, poultry offer as many problems to the human body as red meat

If I hear the phrase, “I don’t eat meat, I only eat chicken and fish” once more, I shall scream! I cannot understand the enormous delusion of someone who believes that: a) Both these meats are vegetables Or b) Both of them are ‘white’ meat and, (like every­thing else white that we Indians aspire to) healthy. It’s like saying that you get less radiation in the house because you have […]

Why red meat causes cancer revealed

Washington: A new study has examined that Neu5Gc, a non-human sugar found in red meat, promotes inflammation and cancer progression in rodents. The study conducted at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine found that feeding Neu5Gc to mice engineered to be deficient in the sugar (like humans) significantly promoted spontaneous cancers. The study did not involve exposure to carcinogens or artificially inducing cancers, further implicating Neu5Gc as […]