
Tags archives: remedies

Home Remedies for Back Pain Relief

Back pain is a very common condition. According to the NIH, about 80% percent of adults suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. Back pain can be felt anywhere from the neck down, but the majority of cases are associated with the lower back or lumbar spine. The pain can develop due to problems with the bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, nerves or spinal cord. However, most […]

Want quick relief from acidity? Try these 10 home remedies

We have all suffered from acidity at some point or the other. Excess stomach acid can cause uncomfortable symptoms, pain, and even severe health problems. Well, instead of popping up antacids, there are some natural home remedies you can try to get rid of the problem.   Cold milk: The calcium in milk prevents acid build up and absorbs the excess acid produced, thereby reducing the symptoms of acidity. Mint […]

10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

1. Increase Your Hydration – This is by far the best natural remedy for any type of kidney stones you have. People diagnosed with kidney stones should be consuming a minimum of 10 glasses of fluids on a daily basis. People who are at risk of developing cystine stones should drink more fluids, at least 14 glasses every day. To determine if you are drinking enough fluids, check if your […]

What is Vata Dosha?

What is Vata Dosha? Every one ask’s “What is Vata Dosha?” First of the three doshas in the human body, the literal meaning of vata is “wind, to move, flow or command.” Vata Dosha is described as one of the tridoshas in ayurveda which is a combination of air and space. It dominates the lower part of the body below the umbilicus and accounts for the regulation of all body […]

9 Ways to Use Figs As a Natural Remedy

Fresh or dried, fig is a great fruit available for us to use to relieve toothache, solve digestive problems, and even strengthen the nails. This article will cover all the ways to eat and drink this natural medicine.  It is known since ancient times about the healing properties of figs for being a natural laxative, clean toxins and improve canker sores. The Greeks also believed that figs increase male potency, […]

Natural Constipation Remedies You Should Know

Constipation is one of the most common and easily noticeable signs that something is not right with the stomach, intestines, or general digestive system. Constipation is not a disease or illness as such, though it can be a symptom of other digestive tract disorders or infections. It is however something that occurs in people of all ages – but more common in elderly people. Here are the best 10 methods […]