
Tags archives: simple-ways

Eleven simple ways to cope with stress – Must read

Both agony and ecstasy are part of this journey on earth called life. If not a bed of roses, what is life really all about? Each individual perceives life in his or her way. While some deal with life joyfully, some people tend to succumb to pressure and the challenges that life keeps throwing at them. This leads to stress and anxiety. Everyone can make life joyful by not letting […]

5 Simple Ways To Skyrocket Your Concentration For Success At Work

Before you go on to read this, I want to ask you one thing. Are you giving me your full attention? Unfortunately, the answer is probably no. In fact, studies at the University of California suggest that our ability to focus has dropped dramatically over the last decade, particularly at work. And it looks like technology is the main culprit. But do we really need studies to tell us that […]