
Tags archives: stomach

Depression May Affect Stomach, And Anxiety The Skin

Researchers have found that depression in young people is often followed by arthritis and diseases of the digestive system, while skin diseases are common after anxiety disorders. The findings suggest that mental disorders are antecedent risk factors of certain physical diseases in early life, but also vice versa, according to the researchers. “Our results expand the relevance of mental disorders beyond mental to physical health care, and vice versa, supporting […]

New mother claims doctor left his MOBILE PHONE inside her after delivering her baby... and she only realised when her stomach began VIBRATING

  Hanan Mahmoud Abdul Karim, 36, had a Caesarean in April this year Claims surgeon in a private hospital in Amman left his phone inside her Says when she went home her family noticed her abdomen vibrating Rushed to A&E where X-rays confirmed presence of a foreign object A Jordanian woman claims a doctor left his mobile phone in her abdomen after delivering her baby by Caesarean section. Hanan Mahmoud […]


They opened this sick bull’s stomach. What they found inside left me startled

When the good people of Animal Aid Unlimited found this bull wandering the streets in India they already noticed that there was something wrong with him. Tingu, the bull, was very sick and had a bloated and distended stomach. They knew that Tingu had eaten something harmful. But it’s only when they begin operating on him that they recognize the extent of the tragedy. Parental advisory: these pictures are not […]

A Scary Look At The Digestion Of Instant Ramen Noodles Inside Your Stomach – A Deadly Ingredient You Need To Know About

Hard To Stomach If you ever thought there was something extra nasty and suspicious about those instant ramen noodles, you were definitely on to something. A gastrointestinal specialist by the name of Braden Kuo from the Massachusetts General Hospital wanted to find out exactly what happens to ramen noodles in the stomach and digestive tract after consuming the Styrofoam-like snack, and the results were nothing less than disturbing. Thanks to […]

A Key Fat Loss Strategy by Dr.Lori L. Shemek

If fat loss is of primary importance to you, then you have most likely exercised a certain way or have not even entertained the idea at all. If you have been exercising with just cardio only and the results are meager, you may be asking yourself “Where are those flat abs, thin thighs and rock hard body I’ve worked so hard to create?” I’m here to tell you that chances […]