
Tags archives: us-elections

ClamorWorld Exclusive: Trump to win and get re-elected to White House

Jai Jinendra|Om Gurave Namah|Om Gajapataye Namah|Sri Matre Namah|Jai Sri Krsna| Using Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa Birth Details: Donald Trump, 14-Jun-1946, 10:54AM, Jamaica New York, USA Planetary Position, Longitude, Nakshatra, Pada, Rashi, Navamsa: Rasi Chart Analysis D1 (Main Chart): Lagna rises in Leo 6 Deg 52 mins, with 4th and 9th lord Yogakaraka Mars in Lagna at 3 deg 41 mins, being close to the lagna degree has a huge influence on […]

US Elections: NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough casts lone vote from space

Shane Kimbrough, the lone American astronaut in outer space, became the latest astronaut to join in a long tradition of voting while floating above the Earth. n a US presidential election that’s already been out of this world, the lone American astronaut in outer space has cast his vote, NASA has said. Shane Kimbrough became the latest astronaut to join in a long tradition of voting while floating above the […]