
Tags archives: vedant

Why Bhagavad Gita is the Final Authority and Law Book of Hindus

Why Bhagavad Gita is the law book of Hindus (Sanatan Dharma) as per Veda Vyas (the compiler of Vedas). The Vedas and Bhagavad Gita were spoken by Veda Vyas and recorded in written by Lord Ganesha more than five thousand years ago. Before that it was not in written form but in oral form. The people during that time were shrutidhar, which means that they could learn anything without mistake […]

Class 6 Vedant Creates Solar Light From Discared Laptop Battery

Meet Vedant Dhiren Thaker, a Grade 6 student of Shantinagar High School, who, unlike other children his age, spends a major part of his day thinking about ways in which he can provide free electricity to the country. In his quest, armed with his love for all things electronic, he has designed and developed a power source which has been made from scratch with a recycled laptop battery. Vedant is a […]