
Tags archives: vegetables

Gurgaon Residents Have a New Weekend Hobby: Grow Their Own Vegetables on Land Leased from the Govt

The Horticulture Department of Gurgaon will make some agricultural land available to city residents who want to do farming and grow their own kitchen gardens for household needs. In this first-of-its-kind initiative, the city of Gurgaon will be emulating the community gardens of the US and UK where busy city people, who have very little space in their flats and apartments to grow vegetables, get away on weekends to do […]


Eating a Mediterranean diet or other healthy dietary pattern, comprising fruit, vegetables, legumes and nuts, is associated with preventing the onset of depression, according to a new study from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in Spain. The study of 15,093 people suggests depression could be linked with nutrient deficits. The researchers compared three diets; the Mediterranean diet, the Pro-vegetarian Dietary Pattern and Alternative Healthy Eating Index-2010. Participants […]

8 vegetables you should be eating to boost your disease-fighting potential

Tomatoes – Tomato contains amazing amounts of lycopene which is said to have anti oxidant properties. Studies have shown that tomato can reduce prostate cancer especially in synergy with broccoli. A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggested that ‘the intake of tomatoes and tomato products is associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer. This benefit may be related to the antioxidant properties of lycopene, […]

18 Nourishing Benefits Of Turnips From Head To Toe

Turnips are nutritious cruciferous root vegetables used extensively in a variety of cuisines across Europe, Asia, and Eastern America. Turnip, which is scientifically known as Brassica rapa, belongs to the Cruciferae family, which includes super foods like kale, collards, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and broccoli. Small young turnips called “baby turnips” are roots harvested early in the growing stage and are delicate, sweeter and eaten raw in salads. Mature turnips have […]

4 surprising benefits of vegetables

You’ve seen Meatless Mondays, vegan restaurants and green drinks become all the rage. You know that vegetables can help you lose weight and fend off chronic diseases. Yet if you’re like most Americans, you probably still aren’t eating enough of them. If you need a little motivation to get your share, here are four surprising reasons to increase your vegetable intake: 1. They fight bloat Although you may associate vegetables […]

What will happen if the bees disappear?

As thoughts turn to warm weather and gardening, it’s a good time to consider planting flowering trees, shrubs and other plants that are attractive to bees, butterflies and other pollinators. You can beautify your yard, diversify the landscape and feed and protect pollinators, all at the same time. The bees need you. Honeybee colonies are dying at frightening rates. Since 2007, an average of 30% of all colonies have died […]