
Tags archives: walnuts


Andhra Man Smashes Unique World Record, Has Social Media Going 'Nuts'

Andhra Man Smashes Unique World Record, Has Social Media Going ‘Nuts’ Prabhakar Reddy P, a martial arts master from Andhra Pradesh, set a new world record after crushing over 200 walnuts in one minute with his hand. A video posted on YouTube by Guinness World Records shows Mr Reddy smashing 212 walnuts with his hand as the 60-second deadline looms and a hopeful crowd looks on. Rows and rows of […]

Walnuts Can Improve Mood In Young Men: Study

A handful of walnuts every day can help young men happily tackle life’s daily stress as this nutrient-dense snack can lead to a happier state-of-mind, suggests a new study. The researchers found a significant improvement in mood in young, healthy males who consumed walnuts every day for eight weeks. “In the past, studies on walnuts have shown beneficial effects on many health outcomes like heart disease, diabetes and obesity,” said […]

How Walnuts Can Boost Fertility and 17 Other Healthy Reasons

Walnut is an edible kernel of the fruit from trees belonging to Juglandaceae family, in the genus: Juglan. Apart from walnuts, this tree nut family includes Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts (filberts), macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, and pistachios. Black and white walnuts are native to North America, specifically the Central Mississippi Valley and Appalachian area. They played an important role in the diets and lifestyles of both the Native American […]