
Tags archives: woman

Why India's sanitation crisis kills women

The gruesome rape and hanging of two teenage girls in the populous Uttar Pradesh state again proves how women have become the biggest victims of India’s sanitation crisis. Nearly half-a-billion Indians – or 48% of the population – lack access to basic sanitation and defecate in the open. The situation is worse in villages where, according to the WHO and Unicef, some 65% defecate in the open. And women appear […]

This 122 Year Old Woman Has The Most Important Secret To A Life Of Longevity

The primary determinant of health for the average person is thought. Not genetics, not exercise or nutrition, but the mind. This has been shown over and over again by the scientific fields of psychoneuroimmunology, psychoneurocardiology, psychoneuroendocrinology, not to mention cancer research and all the various psychosomatic disorders that have been studied. If you doubt that thought affects health then I will be happy to have a truckload of research evidence […]

The woman who lost a dog and gained 200 sloths

Monique Pool first fell in love with sloths when she took in an orphan from a rescue centre. Since then many sloths have spent time in her home on their way back to the forest – but even she found it hard to cope when she had to rescue 200 at once. It all began in 2005 when Pool lost her dog, a mongrel called Sciolo, and called the Suriname […]

India’s invisible workers

Saluting the lesser-known working women and their valuable contribution on International Women’s Day. 1. It is estimated that around 1.3 million Dalits, mostly women, make their living through manual scavenging. 2.Traditional blacksmiths are usually nomads. Women from these communities indulge in hard labour just like their male counterparts, in addition to taking care of household chores. 3.Women working in the salt pans in the Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh, get a […]