
These New Rajasthan Tourism Ads Are So Captivating, You’ll Be Packing Your Bags To The State Tonight!

Rajasthan is a majestic place. Its rich cultural heritage always mesmerises us and we long to go back to breathe in its breathtaking scenes. Its vibrancy is enough to make us space-travel to the royal land no matter where we live. And these new Rajasthan tourism ads are only making the travel itch run deeper.

Introduced by Tourism Department of Rajasthan, each ad is seen through a traveller’s eyes. The tag line ‘Jaane Kya Dikh Jaye!’ beautifully captures the mystique that makes Rajasthan a diamond in a crown.

And what’s even better are the tags. By prefixing the names of tourists to the word ‘Rajasthan’, these ads perfectly summarise a tourist’s personal experience while he/she takes in what is offered – its unadulterated beauty. Take a look.

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