
Watch: IIT Delhi boys’ hilarious parody of Miami Dolphins cheerleaders’ ‘Call me Maybe’ video


What happens when a bunch of guys from IIT Delhi decide to impersonate an internationally known group of cheerleaders on YouTube?
The shirtless students actually manage to make a hilarious spoof on the bikini-clad cheerleaders!

Carly Rae Jepsen’s 2012 hit Call Me Maybe spawned a YouTube meme of people filming themselves lipsynching to the song. From the USA 2012 Olympic Swimming Team to US Marines in Afghanistan, everyone wanted to be part of this viral trend.
However, one of the most popular Call Me Maybe videos was the one by the Miami Dolphins cheerleaders which clocked 21,647,534 views on YouTube.

Now, a group of students from IIT Delhi have parodied the Miami Dolphin’s version by imitating the cheerleaders’ choreography frame by frame and the result is hilarious.

The contrasting imagery of the savvy cheerleaders and the simple students makes for an amusing watch. In the shots where they seem to be lacking in infrastructure, the IITians, in the true spirit of Engineering students, have made up by their improvisation.
The beach scenes have been filmed in a garden, the underwater scenes have been shot in the showers, a tasseled skirt is replaced by a pants decorated with computer mouses and newspapers are used instead of pom-poms.
Already the video has gained 260,755 views on YouTube and has created quite a stir on Twitter with many people hailing it as the best thing to watch and asking to call them, may be.

So what do you think of this desi spoof of the international hit?

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