
4 Secrets To Staying Peaceful During Stressful Times



Robert Burton said, “A quiet mind cureth all.” Being able to find inner peace is one of the greatest skills anyone can acquire. A tranquil mind helps us to appreciate the good times, weather the bad, and be present for every moment in between. But on some days… it’s tough. The car doesn’t start, your kids are screaming for your attention, there isn’t enough money in the bank, your boss is hounding you and your work is piling up. When you find yourself in those situations it’s more important than ever to find that calm center within so that you can come out stronger and better on the other side. When you’re finding it impossible to keep your cool, try to remember these 3 things:

1. Experience Does Not Create Peace, You Do
I find that a lot of us wait for an excuse to be peaceful. We expect it to come when we book a day at the spa or take a bath or go for a walk outside. Activities can absolutely assist us in feeling calm and relaxed but they cannot create peace for us. Peace comes from within. Think of the last time you felt relaxed. Where were you? What were you doing? If you can’t remember a time where you last felt relaxed, imagine yourself sitting on a sandy beach, listening to the soothing sounds of the ocean, breathing in the salty air. Imagine yourself on this beach for ten seconds. Go ahead and give it an honest effort.

Can you feel the calmness? Did you feel the relaxation radiating through you? You’re feeling it because you created it! You did not need an actual beach or a massage or a salty breeze to take you to that state of peace. You called it forth in your mind and experienced it right here and now. That is the power that you have over your inner world. Use it wisely.

2. Give Yourself Permission To Feel Peace
The reason we typically feel so relaxed on the beach, in nature, or at a spa is because we’ve given ourselves permission to let go for a little while. Vacations and spa days are just excuses for many of us to relax. It’s incredible that so many of us think that we need to go somewhere or spend money on an activity in order for us to be “allowed” to relax.

Learn to let yourself off the hook. Relax. Visualize yourself on a beautiful beach. Let go of the need to control. You’ll be surprised at how many of the petty things we worry endlessly about resolve themselves when we resolve to let go.

3. Make Peace A Priority
You and only you are in charge of your schedule every day. As much as the outer world has its demands, you decide what is going to take priority every day in your actions and thoughts. If your intention is to create more peace in your life, I recommend starting or ending your day off with a technique to help you relax your mind and body. A peaceful practice doesn’t need to take more than a few minutes. In some cases as little as thirty seconds is enough to bring your mind back into the present moment. If you’re interested in learning a technique that you can employ easily every day, you can sign up for my free “5 Day De Stress Challenge,” where you’ll learn 5 powerful techniques that can be used to create a calmer mind, discover what areas of your life are creating the most stress, and create lasting peace in your life.

4. Practice!
Staying peaceful in the midst of drama or conflict can be difficult but not impossible.If you’ve decided to use a peaceful technique for a few minutes every day, it becomes easier to tap into that inner calm during stressful times. If it’s helpful, imagine your peace as a white light in the center of your chest. Every time you need to access it, all you need to do is recall the image of the light in your mind and it flows to you. The more often you tap into this inner peace, the more powerful it becomes. Use it as often as you need.

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