
Monal of Sushness:Day9:Short Stories by Sushmita Gupta


Day 9. It was right after the last day of Annual Exams for Monal of nearly fifteen years. The last paper was Science and in the Biology section she had to study only Botany. Zoology was slated for the whole of year next.

The exams got over during the early part of the day and she was home by 9 am. There was a certain very breezy kind of light joy in her heart that morning which did not come from anything in particular or so it seemed. And just for that reason the colour of the day, the feel and the fragrance stayed etched in her mind forever. Whenever later in life Monal was awash with gratitude, those moments of that day always flashed in her mind.

Though Monal did not look at it that way then, many many times later whenever she felt the presence of divine intelligence strongly in her life, the feel was the same.

Short stories by  Sushmitha Gupta

Pic.courtesy:Ashwin pandya

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