
Monthly archives: June 2014

796 Irish orphans buried in mass grave near Catholic orphanage: historian

The Catholic Church in Ireland is facing fresh accusations of child neglect after a researcher found records for 796 young children believed to be buried in a mass grave beside a former orphanage for the children of unwed mothers. The researcher, Catherine Corless, says her discovery of child death records at the Catholic nun-run home in Tuam, County Galway, suggests that a former septic tank filled with bones is the […]

China eats about 5,200 Eiffel towers’ worth of pork a year — and other facts that will blow your mind

The vast scale of China’s landmass and its population means that China produces and consumes copious amounts of natural resources and food. It also means that China houses a large chunk of the world’s billionaires. We dug around to find some interesting statistics. Did you know that China’s railway lines could loop around earth twice? Here are some interesting facts about the world’s second-largest economy, which could soon eclipse the […]

Why India's sanitation crisis kills women

The gruesome rape and hanging of two teenage girls in the populous Uttar Pradesh state again proves how women have become the biggest victims of India’s sanitation crisis. Nearly half-a-billion Indians – or 48% of the population – lack access to basic sanitation and defecate in the open. The situation is worse in villages where, according to the WHO and Unicef, some 65% defecate in the open. And women appear […]

Three-person babies 'in two years' - says science review

Scientists will be ready to create babies from three people in around two years, if it is made legal, a review says. The technique, using eggs from two women and one man’s sperm, would be used to prevent deadly mitochondrial diseases. The UK fertility regulator said there was no evidence that it would be unsafe, but called for extra checks. Changes to fertility regulations are being considered by government. The […]

Get Rid of Kidney Stones with Two Medicinal Teas

KIDNEY STONESFor people who suffer from kidney stones, nature once again gives us a cure. This time it is the seeds of watermelon and celery. Tea from watermelon seedsThis tea is recommended for those who are suffering from kidney stones. This tea stimulates the work of kidneys, and stones can easily be removed.PreparationFill a tablespoon of watermelon seeds, then shred them or grind them. Then pour over the seeds 16 […]

NASA’s Kepler spacecraft discovers ‘Mega-Earth,’ giant rocky planet that makes case for life on other worlds

A rocky planet weighing 17 times as much as Earth has been found, surprising astronomers who expected it to be a big ball of gas. Scientists dubbed the planet a “mega-Earth” because it’s much larger than previously discovered rocky celestial bodies. The planet, sighted by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Kepler spacecraft, is located 560 light years from Earth and circles a Sun-like star every 45 days, The […]

How to overcome shyness

My name is Sarah, and I’m a reporter, so you wouldn’t think that I would hesitate at all talking to people at parties. But I’m shy, too. And I have been since I was a kid.Genes may have something to do with my shyness. People with different genotypes on average tend to have different levels of social anxiety, says Scott F. Stoltenberg, an associate professor of psychology at the University […]

Success Is Not Final, Failure Is Not Fatal: 8 Lessons Only Failing Can Teach You

Regardless of what you are attempting to accomplish, what success you are gunning after, if it’s something worth pursuing, then you’re going to fail – miserably – plenty of times before you strike gold. As markets become more popular, the pools become saturated with talent. With each new year, it gets slightly more difficult to achieve your dreams – assuming that others are pursuing the same passions. Lucky for you, […]

Learning second language 'slows brain ageing'

Learning a second language can have a positive effect on the brain, even if it is taken up in adulthood, a University of Edinburgh study suggests. Researchers found that reading, verbal fluency and intelligence were improved in a study of 262 people tested either aged 11 or in their seventies. A previous study suggested that being bilingual could delay the onset of dementia by several years. The study is published […]

New state of Telangana is born in southern India

India’s southern state of Andhra Pradesh has formally split in two, with its northern area carved out to create a new state called Telangana. The move followed prolonged protests by residents of Telangana, who felt the region had long been neglected. Telangana, which officially came into existence at midnight local time, becomes the country’s 29th state. With a population of 35 million, it comprises 10 former districts of Andhra Pradesh […]