Leading wellness and corporate life coach Mickey Mehta, in his latest book, The Shoonyam Quotient, offers to help you become the best version of yourself. From breathing to sleeping, the book demands that you look at every aspect of your life with deeper introspection.
It may seem like you wouldn’t need a whole book to tell you how to do that, but it’s actually quite helpful to get words of advice from an expert.
As Mehta explains in the introduction, “People before me have spoken a lot and people after me will also say a lot — all I have done is added my perspective, personal experience and learning with wisdom collected through the prism of my mind and the eyes of my soul to what others have already said.”
The book begins with a discourse on what is really means to be human. From the scientific to the philosophical, Mehta explores this question, breaking it down to our lowest common denominator, our DNA.
In a chapter titled ‘Paranoid humanoid’, the author warns that if you would rather not look at yourself, rediscover yourself and finally be your true, complete self, then this book is not for you.
Mehta is known to have interwoven different philosophies to develop holistic health systems to self-heal and transform through balance. Appropriately, then, the last chapter in this book is titled ‘Bliss’, and explores the state you reach after adopting the practices recommended through the other 18 sections. The aim is a transformational journey, from humanoid to human.
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