
Clamorworld Exclusive – Yoga In European Parliament


It is the stuff that history is made of. For the first time ever members from every political parties across the European Union united to come together as the Art Of Living Guru addressed the European Parliament on the Yoga Way. 

An issue that has been trending on twitter the whole day and created quite a stir in the international arena, it was a rare experience. Greeted by a standing ovation to the Sri Sri, in the words of many onlookers, the room has not been so full in a long long time. Perhaps it is best surmised in the words of one of the members of the European Parliament, ‘it was an extraordinary session.’

Perhaps you might be wondering why Yoga should gain such prominence among the policymakers when there is no dearth of issues to handle and resolve. Perhaps the response to it also lies in the Sri Sri reply when he says that “Stress is big competition to God due to its omnipresence. The purpose of yoga is to put a smile on you in spite of all the stress and tension we are putting our day-to-day life.”Yoga with its unique approach that looks at the union of the mind and body aspires to calm down one’s inner turmoil and achieve the much needed harmony with the external self.

 Be it the breathing techniques that are employed or the overall workout that is practiced or even meditation form that is commonly employed, it all works towards helping the soul unite with the external world and achieve the deep sense of peace. Peace indeed is the driving word given the day to day challenges world over. And the power of yoga to resolve it perhaps was best manifested in the way that the Parliamentarians smiled, pulled their cheeks, stretched themselves as  the Art Of Living proponent got along teaching ‘Sukshma Yoga’ or some simple desk top yoga to them. In Guruji’s own words, “Wealth is that which brings us comfort. Yoga is wealth in the sense it brings absolute comfort.”

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