
Sushma Swaraj pulls of another miracle; Sadly the media has no time to highlight it!


Indian media has once again proved their shameless nature by completely blacking out this story!

General VK Singh and Sushma Swaraj have once again proven their brilliance.

As many as 1,100 retrenched Indians are expected to return to India in the coming weeks with Saudi government issuing exit visas to the Saad group workers, according to External Affairs Ministry.

Minister of State V K Singh, who is currently in Saudi Arabia to ensure return of the jobless workers, also thanked the Saudi government for its cooperation and help in solving the issue of stranded Indians there.

“Saudi govt has begun giving exit visas to Saad group workers. The first lot of four left yesterday. Minister of State met the Saudi Vice Minister for Labour and Social development yesterday. Total of 1100 Indian workers of Saad are expected to return to India in coming weeks,” an MEA official said.

Thousands of Indian workers have lost their jobs due to slowdown in Saudi economy, triggered by low oil prices and cut in spending by the government.

MoS Singh had made a number of visits to that country in last few months to help the jobless Indians and ensure return of those who wanted to come back.

The Indian government had earlier requested the Saudi authorities to give the unemployed Indian workers exit visas without NoC (No-Objection Certificate) from employers and also urged it to clear the dues of workers who have not been paid for months, whenever they settle the accounts with the companies concerned.

As per rules, no foreign employee can leave the country without NoC by the employers.

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