
Tags archives: benefits

The way of Eating fruits - this opened my eyes

It’s long but very informative �We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It’s not as easy as you think. It’s important to know how and when to eat.�What is the correct way of eating fruits?�IT MEANS NOT EATING FRUITS AFTER YOUR MEALS! * FRUITS SHOULD BE EATEN ON AN EMPTY STOMACH.�If you eat fruit like that, it will play […]

4 surprising benefits of vegetables

You’ve seen Meatless Mondays, vegan restaurants and green drinks become all the rage. You know that vegetables can help you lose weight and fend off chronic diseases. Yet if you’re like most Americans, you probably still aren’t eating enough of them. If you need a little motivation to get your share, here are four surprising reasons to increase your vegetable intake: 1. They fight bloat Although you may associate vegetables […]

8 Amazing Spices and Their Medicinal Benefits

They say that an apple a day helps keep the doctor away, but in reality, herbs and spices contain more powerful disease fighting properties, vitamins, and nutrients than most fruits and vegetables. By simply spicing up your dishes, you could be adding years to your life, and warding off illnesses like the cancer, high blood pressure, and even the common cold. Moreover, spices taste great and they may prevent you […]

Red wine health benefits 'overhyped'

Red wine may not be as good for you as hoped, say scientists who have studied the drink’s ingredient that is purported to confer good health. The team tracked the health of nearly 800 villagers from the Chianti region of Italy to see if their local tipple had any discernable impact. They found no proof that the wine ingredient resveratrol stops heart disease or prolongs life. Experts say more research […]

6 Healthy Benefits of Sexual Healing You Can’t Ignore.

Sex: Amazing Combination of Health+Pleasure It’s not called Sexual Healing for nothing. Sex can actually heal. It can heal your body and mind and prevent many diseases. Some say it’s the first medicine ever known to man and it should be administered daily. Sounds too good to be true? Let’s discover the six reasons for which a man should have sex each day. Great Form of Exercise:Making love is a form […]