
‘The China Hustle’ Trailer

It will be interesting to see how this documentary performs in today’s political climate where everyone knows the game is rigged and just shrugs and accepts it because I guess it’s better to be destitute and savvy than secure and outraged. At a time when the government is touting deregulation as an inherent good, I’m sure The China Hustle will infuriate its audience, but I assume it will change the system as much as any other documentary about extensive fraud. That’s not to disdain the documentary filmmakers as much as it’s a criticism of a culture that’s upset about financial crime but then elects people who ensure that those crimes continue.

The trailer can’t effectively dive into the intricacies of the crimes being exposed in this documentary, simply because there are a lot of moving pieces that you must learn about in order to fully understand what’s happening here. But that’s exactly why this is the kind of movie we should be paying attention to without having Margot Robbie explain the finer details to us from a bubble bath, as she did so eloquently in The Big Short.

The China Hustle will be released in theaters, On Demand, on iTunes and Amazon Video on March 30, 2018.


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