
This awesome video of Canada will blow your mind

We all know Canada is a beautiful place to live – but sometimes it takes a visitor from overseas, like Andrew Cooney, to remind us.

The Australian photographer and filmmaker spent two months exploring Canada earlier this year, and his latest video will blow your mind.

Cooney travelled 11,000 km in BC and Alberta, capturing 130,000 shots of our majestic mountains and glacial lakes, as well as grizzlies and wolf dogs.

The filmmaker told Daily Hive he decided to take the leap into an extended project after being convinced to visit the Khutzeymateen Grizzly Sanctuary.

The film posted above is the second instalment of a series of videos titled Explore Canada documenting Cooney’s time in the True North Strong And Free.

It’s full of classic Canadiana – hiking through gorgeous coastal rainforest, watching grizzlies care for their cubs, and of course, the mystical Northern Lights.

“Landing in Canada was pretty surreal,” said Cooney. “Being right there in the place I’d thought so much about was truly amazing.”

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