
How To Increase Your Libido With Yoga?


A study dating back to 2009 showed that a “regular yoga practice improves several aspects of sexual function in women, including desire, arousal, orgasm and overall satisfaction.”

Yoga improves flexibility and helps increase circulation to our pelvic region. In the tantric sense, that would mean that your Muladhara and svadisthana chakra gets the needed energy and helps awaken it. It makes you express your physical self better with your partner.

Here are 3 yoga poses that will help you relax and be a gateway for loving intimacy. These poses are not very complicated, remember that with time your flexibility and ease of performing them will improve leading to increased libido, sexual awareness, and confidence.

. Cat/ Cow Pose (Marjariasana): You strengthen the Kegel muscles (the one’s that contract during orgasm) as you control your tailbone moving from Cat to Cow. Strong Kegels produce better, more controlled orgasms.

2. Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): Pigeon is excellent for releasing deep tension in the hips, putting the mind in total chill mode. By bringing your attention to your breath, you move away from your thoughts and into the present moment. This enhances your ability to create a sense of sexual intimacy with your partner. You can find another version of the pose here.

3. Eagle pose (Garudasana): When you release the legs, all of the blood comes flooding through the cervix. Holding the pose itself requires poise and steadiness, which is beneficial if you’re stressed. Your mind has to focus, helping you to slow life down a little, allowing you to stay present.

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