
Attitude is at the centre of force-field of attraction


Attitude is the energy with which we greet each circumstance. It determines how we will react to the events in our lives and as a result, what we will attract in the future.Attitude is more a feeling than a thought, but it is affected by the thoughts we think. Obviously if we choose to focus on thoughts which support a natural confidence and help us take greater responsibility for our life, we will feel empowered. We will exude confidence and life will react to us accordingly.

Thus, it is imperative that we continually examine our beliefs and the thoughts they evoke, so that we can change the radio frequency to another station when needed. What we are thinking now, leads to the creation of our future reality, so it behoves us to take stock of our thought patterns on a daily and even moment to moment basis.

For example, how much of your time is spent complaining about what is, or focusing on what you do not want? These thoughts only lead to more of what you do not want. It will change your life if you begin to focus instead on what you want, while simultaneously taking responsibility for any obstacles which may appear.

Contrary to a heart ruled by a rigid mind, beset by worries and strife, a contented heart can adjust to a variety of circumstances and not get ruffled. It can adjust to the ups and downs of fortune, the vicissitudes of life. It is not afraid of the need to simplify and can overrule a brainwashed consumer mindset when times get tough. A contented mind is grateful for what is so. It trusts the wisdom of change.

When we turn our attention inward, we begin to see that contentment is an energy that radiates from the heart of who we are. Contrary to appearance, it is not dependent on outside events and it only takes a little cultivation to help it thrive. It is important to remember that all of the seeming outer events of our life, which have made us happy today, were actually drawn by the positive mindset we created in the past and now, with discipline, we can re-create it daily with our inner smile.

By the same token, the negative events we experience now, were attracted by our previous negative thoughts and the deeds they evoked, both from this and previous lives.We cannot change the past, but we can change our reactions to the results of our past… and create a better future. Our attitude is everything. It especially determines how we will react to the circumstances we are experiencing now, due to our actions in the past over which we have no control.

The question is, will we remain unconscious and recreate them? With grace, the opportunity is present in every moment, to create something new. Thus, it is helpful to understand how our attitude is formed and through observation, shift it as needed.

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