
Clamorworld Exclusive: Monsoon Likely By June 4



In good news for all those who are in India, the weather men predict monsoon arrival by end of this week with thunderstorms bringing temporary relief to many areas in northern India starting Monday. Yes according to the latest long-range predictions by the Indian Meteorological Department, the monsoon is set to hit the Indian cost by June 4.

As the hot, humid and oppressive May comes to an end; all eyes are generally glued to monsoon update. Yes June is almost synonymous with the wait for Monsoons coming to an end in India. After the arid, horrid and humid summer spell, people from all walks of life look forward to these mercy drops with equal anticipation.

Though the earlier prediction for Monsoon hitting the Kerala coast was determined to be May 30, its progress slowed down considerably after hitting the Andaman’s on May 16. The Met Department has predicted widespread and heavy rainfall across Kerala, Lakshadweep and Karnataka between June 5-7. Showers are also likely to bring relied across north-eastern India, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and parts of northern India in the same period.


Pre-monsoon showers have already started in many parts of Karnataka, Kerala bringing down the overall average temperature across the country. Not just for bringing relief from the recent spate of heat wave, the timely arrival of monsoons is very important for the satisfactory agricultural output as well as the economic health of the country. Inflation and many other crucial parameters are intrinsically linked to the proper disbursement and timely arrival of the rainfall across the country.

However some initial estimates and long-range predictions have not been very encouraging about the overall quantum of the rains expected this year. While the weather forecast team had pegged the long-range quantum at 65%, the distribution of rains and scale of shortage needs to be seen. If significant regions go with the basic minimum, the prospects of draught could stare at our faces. For now the hope is it arrives on schedule and equally across the country. 

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