
ISIS releases Islamic Guide Permitting Adult Men to Marry 9-Year-old Muslimas, manifesto Reveals Misery Girls Can Expect to Endure in the Cause of Allah


Muhammad married his favorite wife, Aisha, at the tender age of six, so nine is …. mature.

Young Muslim women are flocking to the Islamic State to fight and ____ in the cause of Islam.

Married at NINE and brainwashed into thinking beauty parlours are the work of the devil: ISIS manifesto aimed at recruiting women reveals the misery they can expect to endure

ISIS report details life of extreme oppression faced by women joining ISIS
Women are forced into life of cooking, cleaning and childbearing for jihadis
All-female police force said it is fine for adult men to marry girls aged nine
Al-Khansa Brigade insists that all ‘pure’ females should be married by 16
Beauty salons and shops selling fashionable clothing are also condemned as satanic in the group’s ‘manifesto’ for women living under ISIS

Married at NINE and brainwashed into thinking beauty parlours are the work of the devil: ISIS manifesto aimed at recruiting women reveals the misery they can expect to endure

ISIS report details life of extreme oppression faced by women joining ISIS
Women are forced into life of cooking, cleaning and childbearing for jihadis
All-female police force said it is fine for adult men to marry girls aged nine
Al-Khansa Brigade insists that all ‘pure’ females should be married by 16
Beauty salons and shops selling fashionable clothing are also condemned as satanic in the group’s ‘manifesto’ for women living under ISIS

By John Hall for MailOnline, February 5, 2015 (thanks to Sharia Unveiled)

Militants working for ISIS’ all-female police force in Syria have released a manifesto on the role of women – claiming children as young as nine should be encouraged to get married and condemning beauty parlours as the work of the devil.

The chilling document, titled ‘Women in the Islamic State’, demands women live a completely ‘sedentary’ lifestyle and that their role in life should be primarily to remain ‘hidden and veiled’ and at the service of men, who are described as their masters.

The manifesto urges ‘pure’ females to ensure they are married by 16, ‘while they are still young and active’, but insists that children as young as nine can ‘legitimately’ marry adult men.

It goes on to state that beauty parlours and shops selling fashionable clothes must not be tolerated as they are both instruments of the devil designed to encourage women to spend vast amounts of money to change God’s design.

The document is the first of its kind to be released by ISIS’ all-female Al-Khansa Brigade and while it claims not to have been written or approved by ISIS’ leadership, it provides a disturbing look at the way women living under the terror group’s barbaric regime can expect to be viewed and treated.

The document is the first of its kind to be released by ISIS’ all-female police force, the Al-Khansa Brigade (pictured), and while it claims not to have been written or approved by ISIS’ leadership, it provides a disturbing look at the way women living under the terror group’s barbaric regime can expect to be viewed and treated
The document was originally released by the Al-Khansa Brigade last month but as it was written in Arabic, it failed to make an impact on Western ISIS jihadis or supporters. To avoid the crucial information being lost to English-language terror experts, the counter-extremism think tank Quilliam has now fully translated the manifesto and released its own analysis of its contents.

In stark contradiction to the way life under the rule of ISIS is portrayed on social media, the document explains that the primary duty of Western women who join the terror group is to marry a jihadi, then spend their life cooking, cleaning and raising a family.

It suggests that young Western women who spend their time online boasting of leading an exciting and fulfilling lifestyle under the rule of ISIS are lying, possibly under pressure from the group’s leadership who want to encourage a greater number of women to travel to Syria and marry fighters.

The document describes how women in the once relatively Westernised Syrian city of Raqqa are now ‘liberated’ by laws demanding they are fully covered in public, as it prevents their ‘humiliation’.

Despite talk of mass hunger, struggling hospitals, electricity blackouts and a near collapse of the local economy, the Al-Khansa Brigade writer insists that ISIS has eradicated poverty in the areas under its control and that hospitals are full of ‘modern medical technology that could treat all those suffering from chronic diseases, including cancer’.

Women benefit from a substantial amount of these services, for example the maternity hospital, which provides specialist care for mother and son who are examined by pediatricians who give them the cures they need, the document says.

jihad brides

jihadi brides: Zahra and Salma Halane, 17, left their home in Chorlton, Manchester, and joined the Al Khansa Brigade in Syria in June last year after becoming radicalised online –

muslim women

In training: Earlier this week one of the Halane twins tweeted this picture, captioned: ‘Fun day training for self defence in the Islamic State with humble sisters’

jihad women

In stark contradiction to the way life under the rule of ISIS is portrayed on social media, the document explains that the primary duty of Western women who join the terror group is to marry a jihadi, then spend their life cooking, cleaning and raising a family


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