
A Clamorworld Special Tribute To The Face Of Young India- Swami Vivekananda


When you consider Swami Vivekananda, it is hard to constrict yourself in a few words or sentences. He is one of India’s most recognized larger than life heroes that generations have been idolizing. His birthday on January 12 is celebrated as National Youth Day, a day to look within and tap our inner energy source and positive energy.

Perhaps one of the biggest contribution by Swamiji is that he is amongst the first to bring together a concrete format to the concept of United India. Though the broad concept has been there since ancient times, he is the one who reiterated it in a constructive fashion through his endeavours. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, he reawakened the national sentiment. Irrespective of their ethnic diversity, people under his aegis united in the burning blaze of national unity.

But more than that, it is only thanks to him that India became a force to reckon with on the international platform. When he took the stage and delivered the famous speech in Chicago at the global religious meet, some things changed for good. India came to be seen more than just another British Colony in the east. India’s glory, history and spiritual regeneration came to the forefront with his uncompromising assertion.

His fearlessness is perhaps best summed by Sri Aurobindo, “The going forth of Swami Vivekananda was the first visible sign to the world that India was awake not only to survive but to conquer too.” His fearlessness, selfless service, sense of giving and patriotic fervor helped reinterpret spirituality. It was not just a mask of orthodox religious fanatics. It became the new garb of nationalism.

In many ways he was one of the towering stalwarts of the modern national movement and continues to be a source of inspiration to the youth even today.

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