
The Tale Of One-India, The Story Of Inclusiveness


Narendra Modi’s thumping victory was the grand finale of one of 2019’s most talked about event globally. BJP’s landslide victory, Modi winning by a greater margin than 2014, the NDA returning to power or the Sensex shooting north close to 40,000 are already being discussed. But simultaneously there is something unique that is happening in India. There is a new kind of Euphoria across India.

It is not just the tropical summer that is sizzling India. A latent aggressive euphoria too is exciting things up. There is hope, renewed expectations and an urge to be stakeholders in the country’s progress. It brings to light a sense of understated pride and commitment, a loyalty that defies commonly accepted norms. It is new sense of brotherhood and camaraderie that we have only read in old history books.

The sense of oneness, the spirit of inclusive strength cannot really be ignored. For the first time, you see people forgetting their caste, creed and religion and rejoicing a political victory together. Forget about news reports or Whatsapp forwards, look around what’s happening in our neighbourhood. I may sound biased but my maid’s beaming smile when she greeted me this morning perhaps best explained this phenomenon. Instead of her usual greetings, it was, “did you watch the news, Modi is back. So glad I voted for him.” That conveyed a lot more than those words. People, even those who we feel don’t matter, have started taking pride and ownership in choosing a leader.

You may argue that this is not the Presidential form of elections and if I feel that XYZ member of a specific party is not doing sufficient work, then why vote for him only for the party? Well, that is surely a perspective but in the past five years one thing is clear, if the political will is there at the centre, a lot of government machinery moves a lot more easily, even at grassroot levels. Perhaps the Swaach Bharat Abhiyan or Ujjwala Yojana or even rural electrification are cases in point. More than the rate of success, I feel it is this awareness amongst average people that can lead to our awakening as a nation. Perhaps the numbers can do the talking most conclusively. The 2019 BJP’s vote polled stands at 48%, significantly higher than even the 44% for Nehru during 1952 or even the 44% for Nehru in 1962.

Whether you call Modi’s win the victory of Digital India or the coming of age of Indian politics, it is hard to miss the spirit of one-ness. More importantly the fact that most citizen now feel that they do have a role in nation building. You see an improved political consciousness and constructive debate on the dos and don’ts. When we lament that we do not have great quality political leaders, isn’t it also right that they have to be from amongst us. This brand new awakening of digital India will surely play a part in paving a better tomorrow for our kids.

So what do I expect from Mr Modi. He is not a magician and I don’t expect overnight changes in the economy or the society. But yes, this revival of the national soul, an awakening of the spirit of India cannot be undermined. The hope is that people’s mandate should be respected and constructive steps and structural changes are the need of the hour. And yes a request to all those who are saying, “let’s see what he does,” the time now is join hands and work together to take forward our country towards a better tomorrow.

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